UNES Service Charter in Sign Language

UNES is the Commercial arm of the University charged with responsibility of inculcating entrepreneurial and best business practices to the overall University.  The Company provides Institutional and Research consultancy, Professional Trainings and Product Innovations in several thematic areas. Further, UNES   provides Bookstores, Hospitality, Financial Management Services and Entrepreneurial activities to the University community and the public at large. We have set a clear Vision and Mission, our firm commitment to Quality Service is anchored on the observance of the rule of Law, professionalism, team work, transparency, accountability, fairness and timely service delivery in all Units.  Good corporate citizenship, national cohesion and inclusiveness, quality customer service, innovativeness and creativity and good corporate governance shall remain our focus.  This reviewed service charter is a commitment by UNES to deliver high quality service to our stakeholders and the public at large, your feedback will enable us improve on our service delivery.


We present this Service Charter to show and outline our commitment to you, our customer, as a reflection of our dedication to excellence in service delivery.  The Charter delineates customer expectations when dealing with any of the UNES units, and describes communication avenues through which you can contact us to comment on our performance and offer suggestions for improvement.

Objective of the Service Charter

The purpose of this Service Charter is to enhance public awareness of our vision, mission, core values and the range of products and services we offer, and the standards we have set as well as our commitment to the continual improvement of services to satisfy our customers.  In addition, this charter is expected to empower our clients to be able to demand quality service from our staff at the service points.

Our Vision

“Solutions-oriented business enterprise committed to sustainable impact to the University”

Our Mission

UNES Commits to;

“Inculcate entrepreneurial and best business culture through provision of Quality Consultancy Services, Hospitality Services, Learning Resources, and Partnerships & Management Services in Agribusiness, Property Management and Other Commercial Initiatives”

Our Core Values

In our quest for timely provision of quality Services, we shall be guided by the following Core Values, as articulated in our Strategic Plan 2018-2023

    • Professionalism and Quality Service  In all its actions and interactions, UNES shall maintain ethical behaviour, professional etiquette, care and honesty. UNES shall provide predictable quality services for all round customer satisfaction. The standards enshrined in the Service Charter shall guide the philosophy of the UNES Quality Management System.
    • Good Corporate Governance and CitizenshipUNES shall ensure that all the decisions and actions are morally sound, that the company is accountable for its decisions and actions that the decision-making processes are participatory and consultative, and that decisions and actions reflect meritocracy and are open and transparent. UNES embraces corporate social responsibility that strives to take care of the environment, neighbouring community and other stakeholders. UNES will strive to respect and protect the environment and is committed to abide by the rule of law in all action
    • Innovativeness and CreativityInnovativeness and creativity shall be the hallmarks of our activities as we initiate and adapt to change.
    • Team Spirit and Teamwork – The tenets of teamwork and team spirit shall be the guiding principles in all UNES operations. UNES shall foster an environment characterized by teamwork.
    • National Cohesion and Inclusiveness – UNES shall ensure that all decisions and actions embrace human dignity, equity, social justice, inclusiveness, equality, human rights, non-discrimination, and protection of the marginalized.  In all its activities, UNES shall embrace gender and ethnic balancing

Our Core Services

Consultancy & Partnerships: UNES taps the vast human and infrastructural resources of the University of Nairobi to provide Institutional and Research consultancy, Professional  Trainings and Product Innovations  in several thematic areas that include Architectural, Agricultural & Veterinary, Business Development, Education, Engineering, ICT, Public Health, Water Resource Management and Waste Management.

Hospitality: These services are offered under the brand name Arziki Restaurants, which provide food and beverage services, outside catering and conferencing facilities to the University community and the general public.

Bookstores: UNES Bookstores offers various products including textbooks, stationery, laptops and computers, branded items, money transfer services and mobile phones to Universities, Colleges, Schools, staff and members of the public in the East African region.

Partnership and Management Services: UNES provides Partnership and Management Services to the University’s Income Generating Units which include Immunology, Haematology, Clinical Chemistry, Diagnostic Radiology, Dental Plaza, Chiromo Funeral Parlor, Clinical Studies and Veterinary Farm.

Principles of Service Delivery

Our service delivery promise to:

    • Serve our Clients with dignity, Courtesy and Respect
    • Adhere to ethical and equitable service provision
    • Courteous and timely responses to all enquiries;
    • Accept criticism positively and provide room for suggestions;
    • Provide efficient and effective delivery of services/products in a timely manner;
    • Be accountable and transparent in our operations;
    • Act at all times with the highest level of professionalism, competence and integrity;
    • Promote at all times values of meritocracy and fair play;
    • Provide a conducive working environment in our premises; and
    • Ensure equity and fairness to all.

Customers’ Feedback

Feedback from our customers should be directed to the Managing Director and/or our officers at various levels and stations through the contacts provided at the end of this charter in order to improve our service delivery.   Our customers can help us provide quality, equitable and efficient services by:

    • Engaging us in constructive criticism;
    • Providing timely, sufficient and accurate information to enable us to respond promptly to requests and enquiries;
    • Treating our staff with respect and courtesy;
    • Promptly paying all bills and debts as they fall due;
    • Being conversant with the requirements of a given service; and
    • Demanding high quality services;

Our Standards

We are committed to meeting the needs of our customers in a timely and professional manner.

We pledge to:

    • Be friendly, approachable and professional;
    • Offer services in a transparent and accountable manner;
    • Ensure integrity in service delivery;
    • Support and respect all clients;
    • Respond in a timely manner and efficiently to requests for service;
    • Correct mistakes promptly and learn from the experience;
    • Carry out customer surveys regularly and take the views so obtained into consideration;
    • Promote equity and fairness to all our customers;
    • Aspire to continual improvement of services to our customers; and
    • Give our best attention to complaints and suggestions;

Promotion of  National Values

We are committed to delivery of National Values and principles of Governance as articulated in the Constitution of Kenya. We Pledge to:

    • Continuously Carry out our activities with Patriotism, rule of law and participation of the people
    • Treat our stakeholders with human dignity, equity, social justice, inclusiveness, equality and without marginalization
    • Guarantee zero tolerance to corruption, transparency and accountability; and
    • Continuously engage our stakeholders in sustainable developments

Commitment to Service Delivery

 We pledge to:

    • Maintain customer service points at which all concerns will be dealt with and the necessary advice given;
    • Acquire the necessary competencies for timely delivery by our staff as per the approved work plans;
    • Adhere to all financial regulations and procedures, as well as budgetary provisions;
    • Process -payments to suppliers within 30 working days upon receipt of all valid documents;
    • Respond to telephone and face-to-face enquiries immediately.
    • Acknowledge email and written correspondences within 2 days and address within 7 working days from the date of receipt;
    • Procure goods, services and works in a timely manner and in line with government procurement rules and regulations;
    • Communicate outcomes to all bidders within 30 days upon closing of the tender; and
    • Continually carry out capacity development for the staff based on relevant needs assessments;


In situations where service delivery is below expectation, our clients are encouraged to submit their concerns and complaints by providing the necessary details regarding the specific case or cases. Complaints or dissatisfaction may be directed to the attention of the Managing Director or any other responsible staff by:

    • Letter;
    • Telephone call;
    • Short Message Services (SMS);
    • E-mail or Suggestion Boxes; or
    • Face to face contacts.

Confidentiality and Privacy shall be respected. Customers are encouraged to identify themselves and provide a point of contact and also be as specific in their complaint/critique as possible.  Our customers are kindly requested to report cases concerning corruption and other unbecoming forms of behavior. From the time the complaint is received, we shall endeavor to address it within 7 working days.

UNES is registered as a data processor and data controller by the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC). We collect personal data such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses when customers create an account or place an order on our websites.

We use personal data to fulfill orders, process payments, and communicate with customers about their orders. We take measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access or misuse, as stipulated in our privacy policy.

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