Real Estate Professional Online certificate Programs


“Transforming the Real Estate Profession”

University of Nairobi Enterprises & Services (UNES) was incorporated in 1996 under the Companies Act (Cap 486) and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Nairobi. UNES is the entrepreneurial arm of the University of Nairobi and is ISO 9001:2015 Certified. UNES Board of Directors comprises University of Nairobi Council members, Independent directors from the Private Sector, a representative of the Principal Secretary Ministry of Education, and a representative of the Principal Secretary, The National Treasury and Economic Planning, Kenya. UNES mandate includes, inter alia, establishment of a vibrant Consultancy Unit that harnesses human and physical resources of the University to coordinate and facilitate provision of multidisciplinary consultancy services.

UNES in collaboration with US Africa Opportunity Network (USAFON) are offering Real Estate Sales Agents and Estate Agents (Real Estate Brokers) market based courses. The courses are designed to fit the local and diaspora market needs. USAFON is a member of the Center for Global Trade and Foreign Investment based in Los Angeles, California that connects qualified investors to opportunities in Africa and also aligns the investment environment to meet the demand of prospective investors. USAFON has consulted with the Ugandan Government, Equity Bank, Kenya Commercial Bank and National Bank of Kenya in regards to diaspora investments in real estate.

The trainers are drawn from the University of Nairobi, Department of Real Estate, Construction Management and Quality Survey and other practicing professionals who are in the industry and have been training real estate professionals. The courses will produce trained Estate Sales Agents and Real Estate Brokers. These courses will position graduates to work confidently with property owners and investors. The online access to all required coursework will provide flexibility to accommodate working professionals seeking either basics or advanced skills that will enable them facilitate transactions of real estate deals.

We take note that many of the students who will be pursuing these certificate courses may already have careers in commercial real estate development, real estate management, real estate analysis, real estate securities, real estate valuation, real estate lending, and other aspects of real estate. Peripherally to the core, others may have careers in land use, real estate law, real estate transactions and practice, while others will be brand new students interested in pursuing it as a career. This course will not only position graduates to work confidently with property owners in Kenya and with foreign companies entering the Kenyan market, but will also give them an edge over others in working with Africans in the diaspora who participate in the real estate market in Africa.


Duration: 3 Months

Fees: KSh 52,200 (Kenyans); USD $424 (International Students) – prices are VAT Inclusive

Target group: High school and university graduates whose educational background is not related to real estate, and who may have the desire to enter the real estate market.

Course Description:

This course lays the foundation for the development of Real Estate Professionals that engage in Real Estate deals. It introduces the candidates to real-world real estate transaction training and exposes them to relevant local and international laws governing property & land laws.

This course will provide Knowledge of Real Estate Principles – introduction to the different aspects land transfer and how this is done and different types of liens; Real Estate Agency Practices; fundamentals of Real Estate Financial modelling; marketing and market analysis; fundamental laws covering agency relationships, properties & land and agency, Estate Agents Act; Real Estate Economics; Real Estate Transactions.

Students will learn about the aspects of land use, land transfer (different aspects of Title Deed Transfer) and how it is done, different types of liens, real estate ethics and the function of the Estate Agency Board. The course will cover the steps of a real estate transaction, agency relationships, and the laws governing them. It will also train students on listing agreements and other contracts. Students will be exposed to sales prospecting, various types of leases and an introduction to creative real estate financing including real estate securitization abroad in raising capital for development.


Duration: 6 Months

Fees: KSh 139,200 (Kenyans); USD $1,245 (Non-Kenyans) – prices are inclusive of VAT

Target group: Real Estate practitioners who are active in the industry with at least high school certification.

Course Description:

This course prepares students to become all round professionals that come between property owners and prospective buyers by provide information regarding legal guidelines, assisting sellers in how to best promote their properties to attract advantageous offers and evaluating clients’ desires and economic capabilities to make informed decisions.

The course will equip our students with adequate marketing knowledge and best practice; they will be able to professionally mediate dealing between sellers and buyers ensuring good conduct and honest exchange of information towards a beneficial understanding. Other key attributes include ability to appraise property values, draft and complete important legal documents (contracts, agreements, etc.), property listing and supervise Estate Sales Agents.

This is an intensive course that expounds subject matters on Property Laws, Land Laws, Property Management, Real Estate Business Management, Advanced Real Estate transactions, Urban Economics, Principles of Real Estate Appraisal/Valuation, Real Estate Markets & Real estate Cycles, The Real Estate Agency Business, Real Estate Finance and Investments and cover aspects included under the Estate Sales Agency course.


The Registration inform is available on this link :


Contact Mr. S. Ochieng – Principal Course Coordinator +254 703 317883/+254 020 4913905/ +254-020-4913910 email: 0r


Fees payments shall be deposited to either:

Kenya Shillings Bank Details:

Account Name: UNES Consultancy  Account

Bank: ABSA Kenya PLC

Branch Name: Sarit

Branch Code: 106

Account Number: 0732252452




UNES USD Bank Account Details:

Account Name: UNES USD Account

Bank: ABSA Kenya PLC

Branch Name: Absa Plaza

Branch Code: 022

Bank Code: 03

Account Number: 0227021330




M-Pesa till number 9760423

UNES Consultancy



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