Eng. Kariuki Muchemi,
BSc. Civil Engineering, MSc, LLB
Born in 1954, Eng. Kariuki Muchemi is a practising Civil Engineer with over thirty (30) years’ experience in both public and private sector.
He holds a BSc. Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Nairobi, MSc Degree from the University of Birmingham UK, LLB from Mt. Kenya University and Post Graduate Diploma from the Kenya School of Law.
He is a registered Consulting Engineer, a Corporate Member of the Institution of Engineers of Kenya and also an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. He is also a member of the Institute of Directors, Kenya.
He has served as a Board member of the Geothermal Development Company, as a Trustee of the Water Services Trust Fund and a member of the Kenyatta University Council
Mr. Hirji Shah, EBS OGW
Born in 1936 Mr. Hirji is Currently the Director, of several Companies including Comcraft Kenya Limited; Juhudi Investments Limited; Juhudi Distributors Limited; Karura Terrace Management Limited; Centre for Corporate Governance, Terra Maalum Limited, Tanzania and Uganda Aluminum Limited, Uganda. He was recently appointed to the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) as a Council
Member. Until recently, he was a Director, National
Industrial Training Authority (NITA).
He is a Past Chairman of Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) and East Africa Business Council (EABC). He is currently a Trustee; the Chandaria Foundation, Gandhi Smarak Nidhi Fund and Desai Memorial Foundation.
Mr. Hirji has also been actively involved in several manufacturing enterprises, businesses and charitable Organizations for over 55 years in several countries.
He has been Chairman &/or Director of several Companies in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Mauritius, Ethiopia, Zambia and South Africa etc.
Mr. Abdi Mohamud Hassan
MA, LLB, B.Sc, Advocate of
the High Court of Kenya
Born in 1969, Mr. Abdi is a Legal practitioner and transformational leader experienced in top level management of state corporations. He has served as a Council Member for LSK, Member of Presidential Power of Mercy Advisory Committee, Commissioner, Media Complaints Commission, Board Member, Numerical Machining Complex, Tourism Fund.
He has also served as the Managing Partner, Hassan Mutembei & Company Advocates and Wamalwa, Abdi & Company Advocates.
Prof. Kinandu Muragu,
B.Com, MBA, (Nairobi),
Born in 1957. Professor Kinandu Muragu joined Kenya School of Monetary Studies on May 02, 2008. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Certified Accountants of Kenya (FCPA).
Before joining the School, Prof. Muragu worked under the sponsorship of the World Bank as the Projects Coordinator for the 19 Donor-funded Education Sector Development Programme in the Kingdom of Lesotho. He was responsible for creation of the e-governance system for the education sector that enabled him participate in the implementation of the e-schools project in Lesotho and thereafter follow progress of the initiative across the continent.
He has consulted for a variety of international organizations such as the World Bank, World Food Programme and UNICEF. He has also held the position of Dean of Finance and Administration and Chief Finance Officer at the United States International University-Africa where he was also Associate Professor of Finance. Prof. Muragu has also carried out consulting assignments in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Swaziland as a Senior Consultant for the Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI), one of Africa’s top management institutes. Before joining ESAMI, he had lectured at the University of Nairobi for 10 years rising to be a senior lecturer in the Department of Accounting and Finance. Prof. Muragu had his basic accountancy training at Delloite and Touche and later at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Nyaga Associates.
Mr. Yusuf Omari,
MBA, B. Econ., ICPA(K), IIA.
Born in 1974. Mr. Yusuf Omari is the Chief Finance Officer of Barclays Bank of Kenya. He joined Barclays Bank of Kenya in 2004 from the Audit Firm, KPMG (1998-2004). He worked as the Head of Internal Audit East and West Africa cluster (2004-2008) & then as Head of Compliance (2008-2009) before his appointment as the Chief Financial Officer in 2009. He is a qualified Certified Public Accountant (CPA) as well as a Certified Internal Auditor.
He holds an MBA from Strathmore Business School and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from University of Nairobi. He is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK).
Yusuf is a Board Member of Barclays Bank of Kenya, ICPAK, Barclays Pension Fund and Barclays Financial Services Limited
Prof. Stephen G Kiama
Born in 1964 Prof. Stephen Kiama Gitahi is the 8th Vice-Chancellor, University of Nairobi and UNES Board Member. He holds an earned doctorate degree in Structural Biology from University of Bern in Switzerland. He is an accomplished scholar with proven track record in formulating and managing academic programs and on research and publication. He has over 16 years’ experience in management and leadership positions at the University of Nairobi.
Prof. Kiama was employed by the University of Nairobi upon graduation in 1990 as an assistant Lecturer in the Department of Veterinary Anatomy. Since then, he has risen through the ranks to positions of Lecturer (1995), Senior Lecturer (2002), Associate Professor (2012) and Professor (2016). Prof. Kiama is currently serving as Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi with effect from Jan 6 2020 to Jan 5 2025. Previously he served as the Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Human Resource and Administration at University of Nairobi, the Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor In-charge of Finance, Planning and Development, Principal College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences from 2016 to 2019, Director of Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies from 2010 to 2016, Chairman of the Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology from 2005—2010, Acting dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 2014 and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from 2003-2010.
Ms Flora Maghanga Mtuweta, BA (Econ), MBA (Strategic Mgt), CPA (K)
Born in 1967, Ms. Flora M. Maghanga-Mtuweta is a seasoned, accomplished Finance and Administration professional with over 25years experience; having held various senior management positions in private and public sector.
She has an MBA in Strategic Management from the University of Nairobi and A Bachelors in Economics and Business from Kenyatta University. She is a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya and a member of The Institute of Certified Public Accountant of Kenya. She has vast experience in financial management, Micro Finance and Fundraising having worked as a pioneer County Executive Committee Member in the devolved system of government and Involved in the start-up of two Micro Finance Institutions one of which is a bank now.
She is a Board Member of The Centre for Public Finance and Tax, Association of Women Accountants of Kenya and a Council Member of The University of Nairobi.
Mr. Samuel Mugambi Mutwiri, B. Com, MBA, Dip (Finance)
Born in 1965, Mr. Samuel Mugambi holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Nairobi, a Masters of Business Administration from Esami / Maustritch University and a Diploma in Finance from Kenya School of Accountancy.
He has worked in the Ministry of health, Ministry of Planning and National Development, Central Kenya Dry Areas Project as a Project Administrative and Liaison Officer. He has also worked a Chief Finance Officer at State House, Ministry of Education, State Department for University Education & Research.
He is a Board Member of Kigarine Day Secondary School and University Fund Board.
Ms Miriam Musyoki,
BA (Econ), MBA (Economics)
Born in 1982 Ms Miriam Musyoki holds a Degree in BA, Economics and Master’s Degree in Economics (Public Finance)
She has worked in the National Treasury for 11 years as an Economist and currently as a Budget Officer.
Mr. Seith Abeka,
B.Econ & Math., MA
(Gender & Development Studies).
Born in 1978, Mr. Seith Abeka is the Ag, Managing Director. He has wealth of experience in Organization Development and Project Management.
He has served as Local Consultant at the Transfer of Functions Office (TOFO) in Kenya for Brot für die Welt – Germany where he supported many community developments projects across the country.
He has extensive experience in HIV and AIDS programming and wealth of knowledge in Gender Mainstreaming. He has attended many local and international seminars and workshops on capacity development.
Collins F. Omondi is an expert in international trade and investments law, governance, human resources, and industrial relations practices.
He has worked extensively on matters of disabilities and was instrumental in the review and amendments of the Persons with Disabilities Act 2003 in 2016.
He holds a Master’s in Law from the University of Nairobi (2018); an undergraduate law degree from Makerere University (2003); a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the Kenya School of Law (2006), and a Certificate of Secretarial Practice and Governance Auditor (2012).
CS. Collins F. Omondi